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Alone or?AloneApathyEmotions


but as for me I sit far back,
knowing that so much I lack,
alone on windy night I walk,
my heart in bitter whispers talks,
‘the world is against you,
you cannot win,
don’t bother trying,
they won’t let you in’

Etches Penmen
August 8, 2022
Young Peeps ona farm far awayAloneEmotionsFear

Falling Alone

falling alone
the world a spin
colours dance
the ground so close
the floor a stairway
hard and cold
rising up
with no embrace
or kiss to face

it cares not that I fall
unremarkable human
unbalanced and alone

we all go down

some brothers in arms
some help on its way
caring voices echoing

memories push towards [...]

Etches Penmen
July 18, 2022
Vertical HorizontalEmotionsPride

Vertical Horizontal

on this ledge I sit
feet dangling
for no support exist
I clambered up here
as a kid of 6
holding a cake
and making a wish
soon now at 42
the wish will come down and all
will be true
I believe
I am right
I will be paid
for all the nights
the snow [...]

Etches Penmen
June 25, 2022

Sold Out?

A foot on the wharf,
a foot in the boat,

going from priceless and invaluable,
from heart warmth and love,
to chilled cheddar cheese,
served on a salver,
now we can sit and talk about value,
ahh, we talk about the love,
but, I can see his shadow,
beyond the doors,
his [...]

Etches Penmen
June 9, 2022



shadows boxing,

slices of my soul,

shadows deep,

light hiding bright,

across the path,

my chosen way,

I must decide,

I must dance,

I must say.




I must decide.

I must Dance.

I must Say.


Etches Penmen
June 7, 2022

The Tranquility Pool

always the pool,
poetry, essays, and movies
say the word ‘tranquil’,
and there’s a ubiquitous bloody pool,
and lurking deep,
below, the green and blue,
smoothness (‘like glass’ for goodness sake)
lies the crackeny-beast,
driving the evil new fascist submarine,
the blackness of moonless night,
manufacturing surface pure reflection,
protection from,
the evil lying [...]


Easter Sacrifice

there might be another way,
I hear friends whisper,
they talk gently,
(as if a breeze might snatch the truth away),
we can we can live lives flowing over,
I start simply, by mumbling thanks for what I have this day;
a friend , some bread, some sunshine,
that [...]



The Enjoyment of absent Apathy

was I a passenger?

all different and unconnected?
or all conniving erratically to one place
a plunging through the clouds
falling down and down
you swallow the empty alone
the Marvel © (™) quantum zone
of zany-art blended nonsense
where sneaky senses are blocking and
the [...]

Tamar Island looking SOuth
Societys Rainbow
Defiant – Anger fueled
Bucharest Cafe Culture
Cult-ure dump
Craving and Lust – Lawyers
Eagles Nest – under threat (aggressive?)

Some Of Our Recent Writings

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Some of the Poetry of Etches Penmen and Thomas Poe. Good Mates.