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Can I have a dollar please?
alas the newspapers and their members, fraternity
have taken this word out the back,
and relentlessly,
beaten, shouted, and wailed,
now Abused is a mere feint shadow,
of meaning.

2 copies of the Big-issue, Big-Issue for the price of, love,
slip out the green exit signed door,
onto the streets below,
out of the system and into the snow,
a simple walk, a few yards and go,
far apart from the institutions and societal norms,
to become semi-visible outsider paralleling.

3 strikes and, you’re out!
rule setting, vote getting, budget building,
egocentric power hungry spin doctors,
spraying all the fears with deafening banality,
quick look a three-headed monkey!
deftly pork barrel and squander away the countries wealth,
embezzle setting at maximum abuse.

4 things taken, from you,
dignity hope love self-belief,
a slap, a beating, a sentence of ridicule,
physically held down emotionally stealing crown,
trust crushed so small scientists look-on in wonder,
how could this be re-assembled, c’est impossible!’
relegate and incinerate them to the basket of regrets.

5 senses of noble sublime, connectivity,
touch, smell, taste, sight and sound,
touch now burnt black – recoil in fright!
smell of others’ – a curse,
taste of life now criminal,
sight wary of the next corner,
sound of life’s promise walking away,
Life walking away in another direction,
with hurried footsteps into cooling afternoon light.

6 ways to blame, yourself,
this grief is yours,
no one else can deal with you and your pain!
you invited it,
does it really matter,
shame on you,
why didn’t you call for help,

rule setting,

vote getting,

budget building,

7 deadly sins, 7 high virtues
7 joys and 7 sorrows
7 days of creation
7 lampstands
do we tolerate evil
do we walk through painful troubles
do we cling to the power of J’s name
do we love and persevere?
do we yearn for purity
do we hold His name and keep His word?
do we seek gold perfected by fire?

One Comment

  • Poe & Penmen says:

    The numbers could go on endlessly – not pointlessly, but on and on with all the abuse of others, all the grief.
    Abuse may often be physical, but in this I am trying to identify the stolen spirit, the persons grief at being forcibly changed on the inside
    no longer young prince or princess
    no longer strong mother or father
    now diminished and charred and
    a life less fruitful, less enjoyed,
    because of abuse

    “the use of another where their best , their interests are not primary, the use of another for personal gain”

    I don’t think I have landed this – if we are looking at the grief, the feeling from being abused the empty hollow part . Thoughts?

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Some of the Poetry of Etches Penmen and Thomas Poe. Good Mates.