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remove the limit,
wind back the clock,
take away the barbed wire,
the fences and gates,
now lets see,
the prairie meadow free,
the forest full,
the river running,
so perfect the idea,
oh perfect this proposal,
the energy flows to it,
not halting not questioning,
illuminating and shaking,
a gathering momentum,
a pressure on physic’s loved laws,
a tournament of possibilities,
sought after this valley,
surprised we walked into her,
like children we run about,
the songs are liberty,
now constraints of culture crushed,
a world of worry washed away,
now the forest river running forever,
the possibilities free in us forever,
unbound we become,

unlimited to dream,
quarantined by no hand,
Freedom such a friend,
but a rugged soul,
enjoy her company,
delight in her words and tales,
know and hold onto her vacation coaching,
gleefully take a gulp of her reviver into your soul,
enough to share,
enough to soothe your soul on the windy days, to come.

One Comment

  • Poe & Penmen says:

    In life I experience periods of boundless energy for a person or a project – delightful,
    I don’t want to etch words of ‘warning’ here – but it always ends. Other forces come into play
    the word does it turning thing and presto another day
    I don’t want to store them in snow globes around the room, although that might be nice
    perhaps better to look forward and enjoy the days when in that boundless energy we find a freedom a flow and at its root peace in all that possibility

    (Also noting, ‘now constraints of culture crushed’, not in the sense of Go-jira but by attaining a higher place)

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Some of the Poetry of Etches Penmen and Thomas Poe. Good Mates.