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scales of justice,
eyes of the guiltless look on,
and implore,

the liberal conservative republican,
full of moral certitude,
calls for more freedom of choice,
with the arrogance of a have,
speaking for the have-nots,

run run far away from the norms,
create and bring difference,
for your art
new colours,
for your poetry
shocking new words,
for your life
a new career,

balance evokes,
a tight rope,
a balance-beam,
choices right and wrong,
decisions black and white,
balance has a good reputation,
among the reasonable,
perhaps those who have suffered and survived,

but hated by the many who hold,
as lifes motto,
agree with me or die,
agree with me or you lie,
agree with me no-compromises,
no hand held out for others.

balance or you will fall,
take care,
the risk is yours,
balance hints at risk,
implies movement either actual or possible,
which we accept,

a balanced life,
a balanced diet,
a balanced point of view,

how I want to say,
lets be radically balanced,
on fire for fairness,
ablaze in song for many voices to be heard.

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Some of the Poetry of Etches Penmen and Thomas Poe. Good Mates.