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Granite block
pink orthoclase
heavy on the land
unmoving depth
unknown heart
be with us forever
polished hands
reflective genius
unknowingly looking into souls

in rain
through storm
pestilence comes and betrays
under blaze
beneath gaze
criticisms’ fingers claw hatred
axe and bolt
sword and sandal
crashing to draw attention

come around
this side
and see with me
the words
in gold
chiselled long long ago
for all

for everyone
to see and breathe
honesty upright
honouring ethics,
illuminated saints of history
decent fairness
true persistence
this the foundation stone
a light
for all

can man find 

in world afire

person of integrity

can man find
in world afire
person of integrity
leader for all
we might stand
one in unison
together hold hands
hope a tomorrow
though we face
a trifecta of foes.

One Comment

  • Poe & Penmen says:

    How hard it is to hold integrity, the world rages against us and we wash up on beaches of complicity, beaches and coves of conforming, places of compromise and loss.
    Come let us try again.

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Some of the Poetry of Etches Penmen and Thomas Poe. Good Mates.