a breeze,
that barely causes candle flame to flutter,
nor fireside flame to quiver,
a breeze that has dawdled its way
across a warm salty ocean,
absorbing and wrapping itself in a perfume of life living,
a breeze that enfolds around like a blanket,
touching and sultry but, hardly there at all,
a breeze that does not demand attentions,
gentle brushing with fondness the leaves and grass,
so they too can jiggle and get comfortable for the night,
a breeze that has gently ushered us to,
a place of no pressures or ultimatums,
a place where nothing needs fixing,
a place that is happy and content with itself,
a place with a seat for you and I, (1)
without awareness our breathing slows,
our hearts aglow with shining sunset happiness,
eyes twinkle,
feet say ahhh,
the dust rubs against us as we sit, so happy to see,
these creatures of God. At peace.
a place of no pressures or ultimatums,
1[and perhaps a few friends and a ‘Magic’ dog]