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Everybody thinks they know me,
They live lives reasoning,
I am not there, I have no role,
I have no part of them,
Still life can have illusions,

Many think I am the contradiction of love,
How vain and naive of them,
but, love like me is an odd fellow, surely,
too much to be said about him and I,
for this brief page to endure,

Let me tell you where I grow,
Oh yes, I start out small, a real entrepreneur,
and young if I can, much easier that way,
find a sore point, touch on a fear,
bullying injustice and discrimination, bring it on!

Hold-on! first, just let me say, you must avoid,
Olde notions of forgiveness and repenting,
can’t have you dousing all my efforts,
you’re going to need to hold tight and fight,
keep remembering and chanting revenge,

really helpful if you can stay intensely,

self-centered, self absorbed,

keep a mirror close so you can watch

Also really helpful if you can stay intensely,
Self-centered, self absorbed,
keep a mirror close so you can watch,
whilst the world fades and you become…
everything, and wonderfully for me, nothing!

Hate: politicians, rich people, poor people,
cold porridge, bumpy roads, big motorways…
Why not? Russians, Chinese, Americans, Jews, Greeks,
the Polish, Germans, and of course the French!
‘this’ group are patently the source of all our problems.
Climate Scientists, Climate deniers, Anit-vaxers and Greenpeace,
Pink Amnesty, WWF, and Coal for or against I don’t mind,
All troublemakers, All liars and Opportunists hoaxing us,
Black, White, Yellow, Red, Perverts in a bed, Man haters,

different, disagree, but the cause of all our pain

Once we‘ve got things going,
We can still rationalise – but the good thing, about hate is,
it has a full valid life of its own, in you ( I mean I do – smile)
so rationalise all you need! enjoy yourself,
or just relax and let confirmation bias suffice,
any news and thought that confirms that:
the Gay Black Jews are the cause of evil (AKA your fear or pain)
then hey-presto ratchet things up,
we won’t be silenced hey!? we have my rights!

All good so far? here ends Lesson one,
see my websites for Lesson two and so, and so on,
don’t hold back, come on in and join the party,
you can hear the music, you can feel the flow,
hate hate hate, watch, listen, and enjoy the show.


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Some of the Poetry of Etches Penmen and Thomas Poe. Good Mates.