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Something implied,
something expected,
something predicted,
unexpressed desire,
a contract with Nature,
with sunshine forecast, later,

ahh, ubiquitous sunshine,
to some it matters not at all,
to some it is a bitter fall,
to start a day in the warmth and light,
then returning home at night,
in sleet and rain with, face a-pall.

ohh, hand out giving,
fruits of your young labour,
sown and grown and writ,
flourished and tender kissed cares,
now taken tossed trodden,
with laissez-faire, do not care.

aha, future dreams predicted,
contracts to construct,
hopes in chocolate fields sown,
vows for life recited,
but now life is ‘hells coppice’,
muddy scratched and, stuck.

ah, hidden loves unrequited,
laying down their heads,
to swim away across a sea,
floating away in blue tides,
of silver light a thread,
from rising moon, fades behind the clouds.

bah, humbug deceit nonsense bother!
why did nature mother me?
why begin me to exist?
why extract me from all probabilities?
when now I cascade and waterfall,
so others watch in wonder, in mists I disappear.

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Some of the Poetry of Etches Penmen and Thomas Poe. Good Mates.