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Craving’s and Lust, Lawyers.
Surely shadowy figures,
they don’t want their names called out,
no one should point to them,
no one should write a book,
nor make a movie,
or scribe a news piece,
that even mentions their names,
that een’ hints at their roles,
as character actors,
with wealth and power untold,
oh, rest easy, they’ll be there,
cast as walls or b grade actors,
hidden in the figures,
directing and influencing,
perfect patience in their appearance,
un-flustered coolness playing the part,
until the moment of opportunity,
when they step in and grin,
to take control and run the room,
yours and other alls,
wills and love cast out,
now let us descend to base element,
celebrated by those who have abandoned all,
all love for God, all love for man,
who live only to fill,
the purple hole in their soul,
dug there by those well dressed solicitous,
Messrs Cravings and Lust.

until the moment of opportunity,
when they step in and grin,

Every day you learn something new

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Some of the Poetry of Etches Penmen and Thomas Poe. Good Mates.