Some of me in some of you,
lost inside trying to hide,
my eyes avoiding,
finger nails crawling across,
your blackboard skin,
the sound of my jealousy within,
when you speak or touch another,
when you share a thought or other,
when you drink coffee without me,
then the me secret in you,
finds itself at risk, lost in the open,
now aghast being seen by an other,
then I melt, then I boil, then the fire,
breaks out and rising up it rules over me,
spills out in spraying words,
and ridiculous branding adage,
loud musical projecting body movements,
all sweat and swearing against the ‘not’,
not getting my way with you,
your not giving-in to me,
again you not letting me be in control,
of everything, I of you, a puppeteer,
regret and sigh, I can unknowing shield the me,
broken afraid hiding foolish lost child,
when the furniture of our lives is burning,
the reasons for love engulfed in flame,
do we still believe, may we still believe?
your ocean of blue-black beauty,
with my yellow and red flame of chaos,
can these colours together be as one?
Our hands hold on at finger tips,
gentle black fingers enlace with my white,
together they squeeze and then embrace,
our eyes meeting, locked and afraid,
finger tips of care,
cross the wilderness of my heart,
still the sound of my jealousy within.
Jealousy is not always an evil, here I’ve written as a piece of brokenness, I have not gone down the road of the very violent so oft male who is so in fear that he is jealous of every good thing and distrustful, but some of the seeds are here.
So many not able or prepared to take a journey to see the jealousy is in them, and their partners friends children are not to blame for living and loving a normal life.
Do we bury those pains at the dump? do we throw the in the trash? do we go looking for the young one unloved or broken and offer our hands?
Jealousy can also be good, when the loved one is broken in a way that for their own long life of joy need to be be brought back to their nest – when helping them set boundaries is needed, when the invasions of earlier life has smashed the through the castle wall and broken into to steal the precious gifts. then lets arise with jealousy and defend the loved.