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born neither young nor old,
not growing up or out,
completed and complete long ago,
sitting uninstalled on a throne of mountains,
a view across all kingdoms free, fair, and foul,
troubles are not troubled here,
rain falls and the grass grows,
streams to rivers to oceans flow,
here the tiger ,
here the bear and bird,
here the salmon and the snake,
have no malice have no apprehensive journey to take,
here we all sit and stand and applaud together,

the work has been done and dissolved into mystery,
the play after work was yesterday,
the tasks of life that grew have flown away,
upon the backs of a thousand dragonflies.

One Comment

  • Poe & Penmen says:

    Ok, ok, I admit itm I haven’t been to Africa for a safari (only work) so this is an image stolen from some wonderful friends, but doesn’t the Elephant look ageless – always been – before humankind, and with a pace so much more at peace with the world.


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Some of the Poetry of Etches Penmen and Thomas Poe. Good Mates.