rational reasoning and believing
that you belong
that you and they fit
this group and you
are made to be
for now you can display
all artistry and craft and cleverness
together discuss and drink and sway
whilst others comment criticise and
may have a say, opinion, mood,
alas another prodigal has subdued
their tastes head in alternate direction
you are spurned with delighted rejection
She was already … with another in love…
misunderstood the data
arrived late on the wrong day
said the wrong thing
broke the social contract
botched the golden rule
didn’t understand her
she was already going out
with another in love
they would marry in a few years
while I look on
remembering my floundering
my ineptitude to express
feelings of the heart
my words like honey on my lips
bursting into conversation
proud of my contribution
leading these poor folk
along the paths of success and virtue
edification of their souls and bank rolls
how great their admirations
how many the palm branches
laying at my feet
they laud me and applaud me
my words like honey on my lips
are news of great victories to their ears
only it tuns out
I was wrong, all all along
How great their many admirations
patronising purchasing power
living up to an advertises dream
the triple fronted brick veneer
the caravan and boat in rear
a holiday abroad each year
the best friends the best doctors
Champagne flowing from the taps
a waiter later to bring you schnapps
largess verbosity enlarged
entitled to this life are you
your action now perhaps review
the taps turned off the money spent
cap in hand now knees-a-bent.
The pain for our Egos as we fall through embarrassment, as we are reduced in drought or fire or lack of oxygen, to a lesser being or life than before, we fall.
Embarrassed seems to be always a reduction, a shrinking, the balloon is let down perhaps not fully but substantially.
Self-consciousness grows as we realise we are out of the correct position, social standing or expectation, does silence or excuse to depart follow- yes, how can we regroup to regain our position our standing.
Position, Standing, understanding where we fit in the respective social situation, with a lover or a friend in front of a large group of peers
should have stayed silent.’ Talk less and Smile more, don’t let people know what you’re against or what you’re for” -Aaron Burr – Hamilton.
Also the French title might be grammatically incorrect but , Lafayette didn’t return my call to check.