a breeze,
that barely causes candle flame to flutter,
nor fireside flame to quiver,
a breeze that has dawdled its way
across a warm salty ocean,
absorbing and wrapping itself in a perfume of life living,
a breeze that enfolds around like a blanket,
touching and sultry but, hardly [...]

scales of justice,
eyes of the guiltless look on,
and implore,
the liberal conservative republican,
full of moral certitude,
calls for more freedom of choice,
with the arrogance of a have,
speaking for the have-nots,
run run far away from the [...]

no no no
you cannot
you must do as I say
you must do as the law says
or at least my interpretation of it
no no no
no excuses
be happy and do it right
be happy and do it my [...]

before tranquility, wait,
before silence, soon,
after the heavy rain has fallen,
as the wind walks away,
then the darkness parts her curtains,
the conductors baton raised as we
hold our breath, before we hear,
the hesitant birdsong speaking of life,
with [...]