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Corridors (of Power?)

I wonder
what do the corridors of power look like?
who and whom walk there?
and what shoes do they wear?
do they take alternates and a spare?
are they alone?
should we care?
where will all the corridors lead?
when to begin, when to run, when to lay down?

I [...]

Etches Penmen
June 1, 2022

Aesop’s Politician

A Politician, shall we call him Perro?
puffed up with vanity,
met a citizen-voter one day, and,
to impress him spread his arms,
and began to tell of gorgeous tales,
of highways and tunnels,
of projects and plans,
of educational building more sublime,
than the wonders of the worlds,
he stood [...]

Thomas Poe
April 14, 2022


The Russian Bear devours,
The Chinese Bear sits silently,
The Ukrainian takes aim, prays, fires and flees,

resolve to help,
reach but, no answer,
retaliate without bullets, a dreading insouciant response,

solve by beginning again,
search in another land,
satiate hate, with words of protest, heart calmed whilst rockets fall,

plans [...]

Etches Penmen
March 8, 2022
Minds on Other thoughtsAngerEmotionsPride

Yes, Jealous Anger

then I melt, then I boil, then the fire, breaks out and rising up it rules over me, spills out in spraying words, and ridiculous branding adage, loud musical projecting body movements, all sweat and swearing against the ‘not’,
Thomas Poe
January 24, 2022
Julia Waves GoodbyeAngerCourageousnessEmotionsGriefmysogyny

Passed – Over

shunned, they smile at their friends, of convenience, their policies in shreds, their art ablaze, they bathe in the Jordan, dolling favours to their mates, postponed, ‘trust me’, ‘we will get to you later dear’, a lie so blatant, the words aflame in their mouths
Kingy Poe
January 17, 2022

The Tranquility Pool

always the pool,
poetry, essays, and movies
say the word ‘tranquil’,
and there’s a ubiquitous bloody pool,
and lurking deep,
below, the green and blue,
smoothness (‘like glass’ for goodness sake)
lies the crackeny-beast,
driving the evil new fascist submarine,
the blackness of moonless night,
manufacturing surface pure reflection,
protection from,
the evil lying [...]

Etches Penmen
December 2, 2021
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Some of the Poetry of Etches Penmen and Thomas Poe. Good Mates.