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Alone or?AloneApathyEmotions


but as for me I sit far back,
knowing that so much I lack,
alone on windy night I walk,
my heart in bitter whispers talks,
‘the world is against you,
you cannot win,
don’t bother trying,
they won’t let you in’

Etches Penmen
August 8, 2022

Corridors (of Power?)

I wonder
what do the corridors of power look like?
who and whom walk there?
and what shoes do they wear?
do they take alternates and a spare?
are they alone?
should we care?
where will all the corridors lead?
when to begin, when to run, when to lay down?

I [...]

Etches Penmen
June 1, 2022

Aesop’s Politician

A Politician, shall we call him Perro?
puffed up with vanity,
met a citizen-voter one day, and,
to impress him spread his arms,
and began to tell of gorgeous tales,
of highways and tunnels,
of projects and plans,
of educational building more sublime,
than the wonders of the worlds,
he stood [...]

Thomas Poe
April 14, 2022


The Enjoyment of absent Apathy

was I a passenger?

all different and unconnected?
or all conniving erratically to one place
a plunging through the clouds
falling down and down
you swallow the empty alone
the Marvel © (™) quantum zone
of zany-art blended nonsense
where sneaky senses are blocking and
the [...]

Thomas Poe
April 2, 2022

1 Lifetime

we start
more yielding than the air
we start
taking breaths of potential
we start

because its desirable
because its needed

how might a soft thing
how can a caring thing
how should a creative flower

oh so rare
oh so rare

let’s hide away
let’s protect this musing moment

so short
so tight inside

this hardened ball
this [...]

Etches Penmen
March 4, 2022
Tamar Island looking SOuthApathyEmotions


rather than make a commitment, let’s make an excuse, don’t answer the phone, I’ll let you know, later. why make a decision when we can be vague?!
Thomas Poe
January 4, 2022
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Some of the Poetry of Etches Penmen and Thomas Poe. Good Mates.