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Young Peeps ona farm far awayAloneEmotionsFear

Falling Alone

falling alone
the world a spin
colours dance
the ground so close
the floor a stairway
hard and cold
rising up
with no embrace
or kiss to face

it cares not that I fall
unremarkable human
unbalanced and alone

we all go down

some brothers in arms
some help on its way
caring voices echoing

memories push towards [...]

Etches Penmen
July 18, 2022


The Russian Bear devours,
The Chinese Bear sits silently,
The Ukrainian takes aim, prays, fires and flees,

resolve to help,
reach but, no answer,
retaliate without bullets, a dreading insouciant response,

solve by beginning again,
search in another land,
satiate hate, with words of protest, heart calmed whilst rockets fall,

plans [...]

Etches Penmen
March 8, 2022

Doomed to Failure

why set out ?
when you already know,

who told you ?
now you are so sure,

what shall become of us?
there is no one to care,

when will it happen?
is tomorrow to soon,

where will I be?
when this fatality,

befalls and then,
the end.

Etches Penmen
January 30, 2022
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Some of the Poetry of Etches Penmen and Thomas Poe. Good Mates.