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Edge of End

love has left
definition lost
a thousand sparkly whispered nothings
all wrapped with hugs
all with eye catching eye
all now in the past
all now standing at the back of the queue
how many times can a broken thing be
lifted, repaired, resolved, renewed
how many?
I do not know
the number [...]

Thomas Poe
June 1, 2022

1 Lifetime

we start
more yielding than the air
we start
taking breaths of potential
we start

because its desirable
because its needed

how might a soft thing
how can a caring thing
how should a creative flower

oh so rare
oh so rare

let’s hide away
let’s protect this musing moment

so short
so tight inside

this hardened ball
this [...]

Etches Penmen
March 4, 2022
Julia Waves GoodbyeAngerCourageousnessEmotionsGriefmysogyny

Passed – Over

shunned, they smile at their friends, of convenience, their policies in shreds, their art ablaze, they bathe in the Jordan, dolling favours to their mates, postponed, ‘trust me’, ‘we will get to you later dear’, a lie so blatant, the words aflame in their mouths
Kingy Poe
January 17, 2022


would the accused stand.                                            [not a question]
hooray for modern media                     [...]

Etches Penmen
January 5, 2017
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Some of the Poetry of Etches Penmen and Thomas Poe. Good Mates.