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Edge of End

love has left
definition lost
a thousand sparkly whispered nothings
all wrapped with hugs
all with eye catching eye
all now in the past
all now standing at the back of the queue
how many times can a broken thing be
lifted, repaired, resolved, renewed
how many?
I do not know
the number [...]

Thomas Poe
June 1, 2022


born neither young nor old,
not growing up or out,
completed and complete long ago,
sitting uninstalled on a throne of mountains,
a view across all kingdoms free, fair, and foul,
troubles are not troubled here,
rain falls and the grass grows,
streams to rivers to oceans flow,
here the [...]

Thomas Poe
June 1, 2022

A Voice

“There’s someone here
who wants to speak to you.”
so begins the lesson,
so begins the tears,
parental contract,
bargain wth ourselves,
promises snatched away from,
the entente cordial of our life.

“One small step for man,
one giant leap for mankind”
so being first has more importance,
so how has this helped [...]

Etches Penmen
June 1, 2022
Thanks JenAcceptanceCourageousnessEmotions


glimpse that moment
only in arrears

when all-of-you forgot
the limits of all-of-you
the limits
of time and capacity
of wait and weight
of constraints and laws
the cellophane governance
that wraps everything , unwrapped,
and all you felt was
fresh raw unrestrained freedom
limitless creativity flowing
from head shoulders knees and toes

the unlimited happened [...]

Etches Penmen
June 1, 2022

Easter Sacrifice

there might be another way,
I hear friends whisper,
they talk gently,
(as if a breeze might snatch the truth away),
we can we can live lives flowing over,
I start simply, by mumbling thanks for what I have this day;
a friend , some bread, some sunshine,
that [...]

Poe & Penmen
April 16, 2022

Aesop’s Politician

A Politician, shall we call him Perro?
puffed up with vanity,
met a citizen-voter one day, and,
to impress him spread his arms,
and began to tell of gorgeous tales,
of highways and tunnels,
of projects and plans,
of educational building more sublime,
than the wonders of the worlds,
he stood [...]

Thomas Poe
April 14, 2022


The Enjoyment of absent Apathy

was I a passenger?

all different and unconnected?
or all conniving erratically to one place
a plunging through the clouds
falling down and down
you swallow the empty alone
the Marvel © (™) quantum zone
of zany-art blended nonsense
where sneaky senses are blocking and
the [...]

Thomas Poe
April 2, 2022

Less is More (or Less)

A drop of incandescent colour
on my warming skin
syncopating perfect time
arrival unforeseen
on a tedious day
on a parched spirit
its beguiling essence unrolling
dissolving into soul
reviving reminders of
strong bright days

the look of love
the touch of hand
words unspoken
words knowingly unneeded
words avoided for
patient bleeding
time is leaving
yet love encircling

one [...]

Etches Penmen
March 31, 2022


The Russian Bear devours,
The Chinese Bear sits silently,
The Ukrainian takes aim, prays, fires and flees,

resolve to help,
reach but, no answer,
retaliate without bullets, a dreading insouciant response,

solve by beginning again,
search in another land,
satiate hate, with words of protest, heart calmed whilst rockets fall,

plans [...]

Etches Penmen
March 8, 2022
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Some of the Poetry of Etches Penmen and Thomas Poe. Good Mates.