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1 Lifetime

we start
more yielding than the air
we start
taking breaths of potential
we start

because its desirable
because its needed

how might a soft thing
how can a caring thing
how should a creative flower

oh so rare
oh so rare

let’s hide away
let’s protect this musing moment

so short
so tight inside

this hardened ball
this [...]

Etches Penmen
March 4, 2022


I battle with the truth,
so it will accept,
my lies,

perfect misdirection.

‘I did it my way’
what a tragedy,
what a lie,

in pretty wrapping, with a bow!

I need something new to,
interest me,

I need a waterfall of ideas,
to love,

falling freely upon me,
my focus lies beyond the [...]

Etches Penmen
March 3, 2022

Escape (is the answer)

Flight or Fight

Sympathetic adrenaline 
the human response
the embrace hug or flee

Deep breath in now
throw yourself on the pyre
burn for all eternity
hold nothing back

think accuse and ascribe
you came this road
for none yet all to see
and now what is done
is done to all, for all [...]

Etches Penmen
February 23, 2022

Endless Distraction

Gucci, Pretzel, and,
Suspicion, the Sky is Everywhere,
Foundations, Lasso, Dragon,
Lincoln’s Dilemma on the
The Morning Show?
The Kings Man in The Matrix?
Atypical and Godless, trash?

West Wing Dead to Me is Old news,
the First team, BMF, think,
After Party, Dear,
for Tom Hanks, as Gentlemen Jack,
or Vida knows [...]

Thomas Poe
February 13, 2022

Doomed to Failure

why set out ?
when you already know,

who told you ?
now you are so sure,

what shall become of us?
there is no one to care,

when will it happen?
is tomorrow to soon,

where will I be?
when this fatality,

befalls and then,
the end.

Etches Penmen
January 30, 2022
Minds on Other thoughtsAngerEmotionsPride

Yes, Jealous Anger

then I melt, then I boil, then the fire, breaks out and rising up it rules over me, spills out in spraying words, and ridiculous branding adage, loud musical projecting body movements, all sweat and swearing against the ‘not’,
Thomas Poe
January 24, 2022
Julia Waves GoodbyeAngerCourageousnessEmotionsGriefmysogyny

Passed – Over

shunned, they smile at their friends, of convenience, their policies in shreds, their art ablaze, they bathe in the Jordan, dolling favours to their mates, postponed, ‘trust me’, ‘we will get to you later dear’, a lie so blatant, the words aflame in their mouths
Kingy Poe
January 17, 2022
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Some of the Poetry of Etches Penmen and Thomas Poe. Good Mates.