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on this ledge I sit
feet dangling
for no support exist
I clambered up here
as a kid of 6
holding a cake
and making a wish
soon now at 42
the wish will come down and all
will be true
I believe
I am right
I will be paid
for all the nights
the snow [...]

Etches Penmen
June 25, 2022


I battle with the truth,
so it will accept,
my lies,

perfect misdirection.

‘I did it my way’
what a tragedy,
what a lie,

in pretty wrapping, with a bow!

I need something new to,
interest me,

I need a waterfall of ideas,
to love,

falling freely upon me,
my focus lies beyond the [...]

Etches Penmen
March 3, 2022

Doomed to Failure

why set out ?
when you already know,

who told you ?
now you are so sure,

what shall become of us?
there is no one to care,

when will it happen?
is tomorrow to soon,

where will I be?
when this fatality,

befalls and then,
the end.

Etches Penmen
January 30, 2022


a breeze,
that barely causes candle flame to flutter,
nor fireside flame to quiver,
a breeze that has dawdled its way
across a warm salty ocean,
absorbing and wrapping itself in a perfume of life living,

a breeze that enfolds around like a blanket,
touching and sultry but, hardly [...]

Thomas Poe
December 7, 2021
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Some of the Poetry of Etches Penmen and Thomas Poe. Good Mates.