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Tamar Island looking SOuthApathyEmotions


rather than make a commitment, let’s make an excuse, don’t answer the phone, I’ll let you know, later. why make a decision when we can be vague?!
Thomas Poe
January 4, 2022


a breeze,
that barely causes candle flame to flutter,
nor fireside flame to quiver,
a breeze that has dawdled its way
across a warm salty ocean,
absorbing and wrapping itself in a perfume of life living,

a breeze that enfolds around like a blanket,
touching and sultry but, hardly [...]

Thomas Poe
December 7, 2021
Windy ViewCourageousnessEmotions

A view?

You can’t live on a view!
but, perhaps with a wish,
surely a view can live in you?
not so much a dwelling within,
but looking out from a heart,
through eyes,
to skies and stars.

beyond myself,
I stand and stare,
as the world expands quietly,
my skin reaching out hugging [...]

Etches Penmen
November 4, 2021


fez ruled snit,
fast feverish mad crazed.

seen as a friend,
seen as a good guy,
seen a few nights ago,
but today the tide has turned,
and there is marmalade on the streets,
today there is awareness in some faces,
faces that [...]

Etches Penmen
July 15, 2021

The Emperors Grin

If we only knew inside the emperors head,
or his dreams when he was all tucked up in bed,
Probably dreaming of glory and fine robes,
the magnificent significance he find would in those,

we laugh and mutter and think him a fool,

Thomas Poe
January 11, 2020


would the accused stand.                                            [not a question]
hooray for modern media                     [...]

Etches Penmen
January 5, 2017
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Some of the Poetry of Etches Penmen and Thomas Poe. Good Mates.